On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Polish composer and national master the Commision of Chess Composition of the Polish Chess Federation announces a formal international composing tourney for helpmates in 2 moves [H#2].
Theme: mate by pinned piece. At least 2 solutions or twins are required.
Zeroposition, fairy pieces or fairy conditions are not allowed.
Judge: Stefan Milewski
Deadline: October 2, 2023
3 financial prizes:
1st Prize – 100 EUR, 2nd Prize – 80 EUR, 3rd Prize – 60 EUR
Please send problems on diagrams with complete solution, any comments and position in FEN format in PDF file to the competition director Bogusz Piliczewski:
The award will be published on the following websites:
The Commission of Chess Composition of the Polish Chess Federation
Milewski, Stefan
Polski Związek Szachowy, 2023.03.28
helpmate in 2 moves
2 solutions
FEN: 7B/K4Qqr/7b/2p1k3/2p3r1/8/5P2/3N4
Thematic content:
JT Onkoud 50 theme
Pelle move (white) × 2
Initial position
W pin × 1
B pin × 1
Final position
Model mate × 2
Pin-mate × 2
Mate by pinned piece × 2