reciprocal play
In two variations or phases, there may be a mutual exchange of elements such as mates, moves, sequences of moves, functions of the pieces, motifs of moves, etc., which can be expressed using the AB-BA scheme.
reciprocal moves
In two phases or variations, one side makes the same moves in the different order.
reciprocal dual avoidance
Mutual dual avoidance which occurs when white has the same apparent pair of mates (or continuations) present in two variations.
reciprocal defensive motifs
In two phases, black’s two defenses switches their defensive motifs.
W dwóch fazach dwie obrony czarnych zamieniają wzajemnie motywy obronne.
Wróbel, Marian
Polski Związek Problemistów, 1948
1st Prize
FIDE Album 1945-55
mate in 3 moves
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